Uber Gets Into... Skywriting?

On-demand transportation provider Uber has launched an interesting, Valentine's Day promotion in Los Angeles, saying that it will let its users purchase on-demand skywriting in the city tomorrow. According to Uber, its UberSky service will let "hopeless romantics" send their own skywriting message directly from the company's mobile app, for just $500. The company said that the skywriting--which normally would cost you about $10,000--will let you send a 12 character, romantic message, with a notification of when your message will appear overhead. Uber said that UberSky will be available between 10am and 6pm on Friday, February 14th. Uber did not say exactly where in Los Angeles the skywriting will appear. Uber also said it will be handing out roses from ProFlowers (along with a promotional discount card) to riders tomorrow, as well.