SRCH2: Fastest, Lightest Search Engine For Android, Hands Down

SRCH2, the software developer developing advanced, instant search tools which is backed by TenOneTen Ventures, Data Collective, and others, says that its search engine is the fastest search engine now available for Android. According to the company, its software runs more than 400 times faster than other options--including other commercial software providers and the open source Lucene search engine--on local data. According to CEO Dev Bhatia via an interview, the company's tools are far lighter and faster than other options for Android--just one of the platforms the company is developing its software for. SRCH2 is looking to bring many of the advanced search engine features users are used to on sites like Google -- such as instant search and predictive search--to the rest of the world. Bhatia said its customers are turning to its tools instead of the alternative because its saves money and can operate with a minimum of smartphone resources--memory and CPU cycles--compared with the other options.