Thursday, March 5, 2009
Pluggedin Media Looks For Buyer
Los Angeles-based Pluggedin Media, which operates a web site focused on streaming of high quality, music videos in HD and broadcast quality, is looking for a buyer. The firm's chairman, Brett O'Brien, told socalTECH that, contrary to other reports, the firm is not shutting down, but that they are in the process of selling the company. "We have built a great team and a supersite for music fans, but the company now needs to find a partner that already has established a large traffic base." O'Brien said, in explaining the move. The firm is backed by funding from Overbrook Entertainment, the entertainment firm run by Will Smith, James Lassiter and Ken Stovitz, and launched in April of last year. O'Brien is one of the co-founders of Xdrive, which was sold to AOL in 2005.