Tuesday, December 27, 2011
FundaGeek Launches Crowdfunding Site
Yucca Valley-based FundaGeek, a new startup headed by Daniel Gutierrez, said over the holiday that it has launched its crowdfunding platform, aimed at startups and scientific researchers. Fundageek looks to help connect project owners in the technical and scientific area with finding crowd funding for their projects, by listings those projects on a marketplace and allowing users to browse and pledge donations to those projects. Gutierrez said that the site is patterned after existing crowdfunding sites, but is different due to its primary focus on technical innovation and scientific research. There area number of crowdfunding sites which focus on the arts and creative projects, as well as education.
Crowdfunding sites allow project owners to list their project, details, budgets, and post documents, and track, dollar-by-dollar, contributions to those projects. Project owners usually solicit donations from friends, families, contacts, and the general public to help meet project goals. FundaGeek had a soft launch in November.