Friday, January 7, 2011
Freebinar Looks To Fill Webcasting Hole Left By DimDim
Huntington Beach-based Freebinar, a provider of free, web conferencing services, is looking to fill the new hole left by free web conferencing service Dimdim, with its own ad-supported service. Freebinar told socalTECH today that it is looking to help users of Dimdim, which was just acquired by and stopped allowing new user signups this week. Bolstering Freebinar's efforts is new funding from the Pasadena Angels and the Tech Coast Angels. Financial details of that funding were not disclosed, however, CEO Costin Tuculescu confirmed that it just saw a first close on its Series A. Tuculescu said it is providing web conferencing services--such as that you'd find from GoToMeeting, WEbEx, or DimDim--using an ad-supported model, but still supporting advanced features like screen sharing, voice over IP audio, and up to 150 people on a conference at a time.
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