Friday, September 18, 2020
Esri Rolls Out Air Quality Mapping App
Redlands, California-based mapping software maker Esri said this week that it has rolled out a new app, Air Quality Aware, which helps people understand the air quality in their area. The new all uses data from the EPA's AirNow program and the NOAA's National Weather Service, along with the American Community Survey. According to the company, the new all shows areas are color-coded according to EPA's Air Quality Index, with magenta and purple representing hazardous and very unhealthy air quality. The new app joins other services such as PurpleAir, which allow users to see what air quality is in their area, as well as numerous sites from local government agencies. Interest in monitoring air quality has grown significantly in the last few weeks, as wildfires in the Western US have driven air quality in many areas to their worst in decades; the smoke from those fires has now made it as far as Europe.