Friday, March 7, 2008
Entretech Names Entrepreneurship Award Winners
Los Angeles-based Entretech, the nonprofit which is looking to boost the Los Angeles technology industry, awarded the winners of the group's annual Entrepreneurship awards Thursday night at a dinner in Los Angeles. The association tapped Rubicon Project, Zag, and eHarmony as winners of the awards, the fifth year for the group's event. The group's Entrepreneurship Awards are divided into three categories based on revenues. Rubicon was selected in the Start-Up Category for companies with under $1M in revenues; Zag for the Emerging Category between $1M and $8M in revenues; and eHarmony received the award in the Growth Category, for companies with over $8M in revenues. Rubicon Project is the Clearstone, IDG, and Mayfield funded online advertising startup headed by former L90 founder Frank Addante; Zag provides online car buying services and technology, and is run by Scott Painter, former CEO and founder of; finally eHarmony is an online dating and relationship site, headed by Dr. Neil Clark Warren. Entretech's focus in on helping high tech companies in the Greater Los Angeles area; the group is supported by California Institute of Technology, UCLA and USC.